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Health Care: 4 Practices to Welcome the Patient

The reception in health as posture and practice is increasingly required in medical institutions. After all, the humanization of care is no longer a differential, but a need for patient loyalty.

Do you want to better understand what health care is exactly and how your clinic can put it into practice? So just keep reading and we'll explain everything to you.

What Do We Mean by Health Care?

According to its meaning, welcoming is welcoming, admitting, accepting, listening, and giving credit, receiving, attending. Therefore, welcoming as an act refers to an action of approximation, of inclusion.

According to the definition proposed by the Ministry of Health, health care is an ethical posture.

"It does not presuppose a specific time or professional to do it, it implies sharing knowledge, anxieties and inventions, taking on the responsibility of "sheltering and sheltering" others in their demands, with responsibility and resolution signalled by the case in question."

The SUS's National Humanization Policy has reception as one of its most relevant guidelines. The practice is analyzed by the following biases:

Ethical: with regard to the commitment to recognizing the other, in the attitude of welcoming them in their differences, pains, joys, their ways of living, feeling and being in life;

Aesthetic: because it brings to every day relationships and encounters the invention of strategies that contribute to the signification of life and living and, thus, to the construction of our own humanity;

Political: implies the collective commitment to get involved in this “being with”, enhancing protagonists and life in different encounters.

How to Put Embracement into Action in Health Production Practices?

In addition to changing the attitude of the entire team, structural and managerial adaptations are needed to put health care into practice.

Below are some practices that can be applied to improve patient care.

1. Change of Attitude

All stages of care, from arrival at the reception to the consultation itself, should aim for humanization in the treatment of the patient. That is, assuming a posture capable of welcoming, listening and giving more adequate responses to individuals.

For this to be possible, the health professional must assess the risks and vulnerability of each patient, keeping an eye on the degree of physical and psychological suffering of the same. See some good practices in this regard:

  • Active listening practice never disregard the user's perceptions about their illness process;

  • Invest in building bonds with patients, in order to create a relationship of trust and security;

  • Explain the medical procedures clearly to your patients, without using technical terms that will make understanding difficult.

  • Always offer real expectations for the patient, both in relation to the treatment and the waiting time in relation to consultations or exam delivery.

2. Train the Entire Team

Welcoming in health is a posture that must be adopted by all clinic staff. It is necessary that the practice is aligned at all levels of care.

Therefore, it is important to invest in training the team in attributes and skills related to welcoming, qualified listening.

3. Opening for Conversation

The dialogue is a fundamental practice in the implementation process of care in health care as a philosophy. This includes all the relationships involved in this dynamic, such as physician-patients and employees-company.

With the creation of democratic space, with exchanges and collective decisions, the team also feels welcomed, thus facilitating the establishment of an organizational culture that follows this same direction.

4. Structural Changes

Welcoming in the health field also implies providing an environment that provides quality, safe and comfortable care for patients. There must be adequate conditions for treatments, as well as spaces for meetings and exchanges.

Satisfactory accommodation, with a clean and organized environment, is essential in this work philosophy. Some distractions are welcome at the reception, such as magazines, television, free water and coffee, among others.

In addition, it is important that the institution strives to reconcile the supply and demand of health services. In other words, schedules must be kept organized, thus avoiding inconveniences for patients, such as delays.

How Does Telemedicine Benefit Health Care?

The demand for exams to be reported in a medical clinic is enormous. Therefore, when choosing to outsource the service, you optimize this process and focus on more strategic stages of patient care.

In this way, it is possible to start treatment as quickly as possible, thus resulting in an increase in the credibility of your health institution, which will have more productive and efficient consultations.

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